Discovering yourself or your sense of style first may sound like a riddle.
Perhaps when we could get some insights by looking at the most iconic, minimalistic, elevated style of the "uniform" of Steve Jobs, in which he began dressing up every time in public from around 2011 until his death. That outfit signifies a strong, unique sense of self and a determination to set oneself apart from others, reflecting a purpose, a personal style, and a state of mind.
His outfit may look simplistic, almost a no-brainer by today's standards. Still, it likely took him years to realize and extend to that level of self, and to have the wisdom to identify as well as the luck to adopt those pieces including the now universally famous Black turtleneck top designed by Issey Miyake and the ever-popular New Balance 992 sneakers. Let along the Levi's 501. Each of his picks manifests personality and knowledge as much as taste.
After all, this is all about relevance. In a world of abundance, we must find a way to master our ability to filter the unlimited options available and raise our awareness to become skilful at making choices right for us. Right for us in a sense that is relevant to who we are, who we want to be, why we are here, and where we want to go. Understanding the importance of relevance helps us discover ourselves and develop a stronger sense of style along the way. Developing a personal style can be a lifelong learning process and evolution of habits, we cannot rush and do not need to rush.
Over the years I discovered that my style is quietly bold. I was drawn to minimalistic style since I was young, as far as I remember I was attracted to the minimalist art movement (in America) and also minimalistic fashion from the post-WWII period to modern times. The beauty of purity, honesty, order, simplicity, and harmony, from eliminating embellishments to the clarity of shape and form, the immersion of monochrome to the brevity of an impactful color. The aesthetics and philosophies of minimalism from Nordic & Scandinavia, my passion, elevated my journey in self-discovery and personal style formation. My style and beliefs are closely connected and manifested in many ways from what I choose to how I dress up (or down).
Steve Jobs’ love of elegant simplicity was inspired by his love of Kyoto and Japanese art. A true minimalist, his creative work and his lifestyle are closely connected, he manifested his style completely entirely. Truly an inspiring model of a class of its own for many of us.
Founder, Vein
Featured image - Ellsworth Kelly, Exhibitions at Mnuchin Gallery, New York
關於發掘自我和尋找個人風格 | 簡約
也許我們可以透過觀察最具標誌性、簡約而高雅風格的是喬布斯 (Steve Jobs) 的「制服」來獲得一些啓示,打從 2011 年左右開始,直到他去世,每次公開場合他都以同一打扮現身。這套服裝象徵著強烈、獨特的自我意識和成就自己與眾不同的決心,反映了一種目標、一種個人風格和一種心態。
他的穿著看起來很簡單,以今天的標準來看幾乎是理所當然的基本。儘管如此,他可能還是花了很多年的時間,才認識到並延伸到那個自我水平,並有智慧去識別亦幸運地遇上和採用了一些能夠代表他的設計,包括舉世聞名的三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 所設計的黑色高領上衣和廣受大眾歡迎的 New Balance 9字系列運動鞋,Levi's 501 就不用多說了。他的每個選擇,都體現了個性、知識和品味。
畢竟,這一切都與相關性 (relevance) 有關。在一個什麼都過剩的現代世界中,我們必須找到一種方法來掌握過濾無限可用選項的能力,並提高我們的意識,以便精準地做出適合我們的選擇。從某種意義上說,這與我們是誰、我們想成為誰、為什麼我們在這裡以及我們想去哪裡等等有關。了解相關性及其重要性有助於我們發掘自我,並在過程中培養更鮮明的風格。發展個人風格可以是終生的學習過程和習慣的演變,我們不應急於求成,也不需要操之過急。
Founder, Vein
圖片示: 艾爾斯沃斯·凱利(Ellsworth Kelly)是美國抽象藝術界的傑出人物,他以其前衞、大膽、